Update (Improved Solution)

I have posted an updated how to for Global Protect: elza.me/blog/2020/03/RussellVPN-GP/

Original Post

The following instructions describe how to connect to the Virtual Private Network for Russell Labs (University of Wisconsin - Madison). This will allow you to connect to a desktop within the building when remote desktop is enable and will also allow access to Russell Labs fileservers and license servers.

Install VPN Client

Before connecting to resources in Russell Labs, you need to install and activate the AnyConnect VPN client. Find instructions here.

Connect to Server

Once installed, open the AnyConnect client and connect to dept-ra-animal.vpn.wisc.edu.

Select RUSSELL as your Group and enter your username and password for your Russell account. Note: that your Russell account credential may differ from your NetID credentials.

You should now be connected to the Russell Labs network.
